Lydia Sorgen | Office of Admissions and Scholarships
Background Image Alternative Text: Portrait of Lydia Sorgen with medium length hair wearing a bright pink dress.

Lydia Sorgen

  • Dual Enrollment


Hi everyone! My name is Lydia Sorgen and I am originally from Seattle, Washington! I graduated with a bachelor's degree in marketing from Mississippi State in 2024 and am currently pursuing my MBA here. I came from far away, but quickly fell in love with the community and atmosphere here. I now consider Starkville home and can't wait to help prospective Bulldogs! There is so much to love about Starkville and MSU!!

Get to know me

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is Dudy Noble Field! We have the best baseball atmosphere in the country, and the most loyal fans. Win or lose, Dudy Noble is always a warm place.

If you attended MSU, did you have a favorite class or professor?

My favorite class at Mississippi State was Strategic Brand Management my favorite professor, Dr. B! The information I learned in that class was so relevant, interesting and useful. Also, Dr. B made learning fun and interactive. He genuinely cared about us, and diligently made sure we were understood the content. We also got to work hands on with a local brand! The real world experience I gained and got to put on my resume made this class so beneficial.

What is your favorite student organization & why?

My favorite student organization was College of Business Ambassadors! The College of Business was my home during my time at MSU, and the professors, alumni, faculty and other students made me feel so welcome. As an ambassador, I got to meet with prospective students, tour them around the building, and share my love for the College. I believe that organization inspired my love for recruiting students to MSU!

What is your favorite Starkville restaurant?

My favorite restaurant in Starkville has to be BIN 612! When the weather is nice, there is nothing I love more than to sit in their outdoor seating and eat cheese fries with my friends.

Current TV show you are obsessed with:

I am currently watching the show One Tree Hill! I LOVE shows and movies from the 2000's.