See Military / Veteran Specific Scholarships
Automatic Scholarships
No automatic scholarships match your filter criteria.
Freshman Housing Scholarship
Permalink for Freshman Housing ScholarshipStarting at 34, an additional scholarship to cover one year of double-occupancy housing is available.
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentACT
Freshman Mississippi Resident Academic Scholarship Package
Permalink for Freshman Mississippi Resident Academic Scholarship PackageAutomatically awarded upon MSU admission based on 9th-11th grade high school GPA and test scores. Mississippi State accepts the SAT/ACT through the February test date of a student's senior year of high school. Renewable annually up to 8 semesters at MSU based on overall college GPA.
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS Resident$4,000 over four years, $1,000 per year
$6,000 over four years, $1,500 per year
$14,000 over four years, $3,500 per year
$8,000 over four years, $2,000 per year
$10,000 over four years, $2,500 per year
$20,000 over four years, $5,000 per year
$12,000 over four years, $3,000 per year
$20,000 over four years, $5,000 per year
$32,000 over four years, $8,000 per year
$16,000 over four years, $4,000 per year
$24,000 over four years, $6,000 per year
$42,000 over four years, $10,500 per year
Freshman Non-Resident Academic Scholarship
Permalink for Freshman Non-Resident Academic ScholarshipAutomatically awarded upon MSU admission based on 9th - 11th grade high school GPA and test scores. Mississippi State accepts the SAT/ACT through the February test date of a student's senior year of high school. Renewable annually up to 8 semesters at MSU based on overall college GPA.
You must be assessed non-resident tuition in order to receive the Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship. The Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship may not be combined with any programs that waive the non-resident charges, such as: Academic Common Market; Veteran, Service-Member, Dependent or Spouse Non-Resident Tuition Waiver; etc.
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman Non-Resident$48,000 over four years, $12,000 per year
$64,000 over four years, $16,000 per year
$72,000 over four years, $18,000 per year
$80,000 over four years, $20,000 per year
$88,000 over four years, $22,000 per year
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Permalink for Phi Theta Kappa ScholarshipThese scholarships are for entering transfer students. The Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship is awarded for 5 semesters*, and depending on your GPA will either be $1,000 or $2,000 a semester.
*Please note, the 5 semesters of scholarship eligibility are only for students who transferred in during the fall 2023 semester and forward.
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer4-Year Institution Transfer MS ResidentNon-Resident$5,000 over five years, $2,000 per year
Award Information
- The Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship is offered over 5 semesters for $1,000 per semester for a maximum amount of $5,000.
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your Phi Theta Kappa verification.
$10,000 over five semesters, $4,000 per year
Award Information
- The Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship is offered over 5 semesters for $2,000 per semester for a maximum amount of $10,000.
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your Phi Theta Kappa verification
Transfer Academic Scholarship
Permalink for Transfer Academic ScholarshipAwarded to 2-year and 4-year transfer students transferring to the university.
*Please note, the 5 semesters of scholarship eligibility are only for students who transferred in during the fall 2023 semester and forward.
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer4-Year Institution Transfer MS Resident$5,000 over five semesters , $2,000 per year
Award Information
This scholarship value is $1,000 a semester over 5 semesters equalling a maximum amount of $5,000.
Award Criteria
- 3.25 cumulative GPA
- Legal residency must be Mississippi
- This scholarship may be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Transfer Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship
Permalink for Transfer Non-Resident Tuition ScholarshipAwarded to 2-year and 4-year transfer students transferring to the university.
*Please note, the 5 semesters of scholarship eligibility are only for students who transferred in during the fall 2023 semester and forward.
You must be assessed non-resident tuition in order to receive the Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship. The Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship may not be combined with any programs that waive the non-resident charges, such as: Academic Common Market; Veteran, Service-Member, Dependent or Spouse Non-Resident Tuition Waiver; etc.
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer4-Year Institution Transfer Non-Resident$30,000 over five semesters, $12,000 per year
Award Information
This scholarship level is $6,000 a semester over 5 semesters equalling a maximum amount of $30,000.
Award Criteria
- 3.25 -3.74 GPA
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa
$35,000 over five semesters, $14,000 per year
Award Information
This scholarship level is $7,000 a semester over 5 semesters equalling a maximum amount of $35,000.
Award Criteria
- 3.75 - 4.0 GPA
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa
Other Scholarships
No other scholarships match your filter criteria.
Army ROTC In-College Scholarship Program
Permalink for Army ROTC In-College Scholarship ProgramFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentAward Information
Amount dependent on the total number of recipients. Total of $60,000 in funds to be distributed. Funds are distributed on or about the mid-point of each semester.
Award Criteria
- Army ROTC scholarship recipient in good standing
- Contracted to Commission as a 2LT, OR satisfactory progress during the semester to accomplish contracting
- Overall Mississippi State GPA of 2.5 minimum, with a previous semester minimum of 2.0
- Earn program participation points during the prior semester by participating in Army ROTC extracurricular events, participating in university or community service, or assisting in recruiting a student to become a cadet
- Demonstrate sufficient and exceptional financial need to the Professor of Military Science
Bachelor of Applied Science Tuition Remission Program
Permalink for Bachelor of Applied Science Tuition Remission ProgramFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentGPA
Award Information
You will receive 50% off tuition and fees each semester you are enrolled in the BAS program and continue to teach in an applied science or technology field at a community college.
- If you are a Non-Resident Student, the Non-Resident portion of your tuition will also be waived.
- To apply for this program, please upload your employment letter in your application portal upon admission.
*By receiving this tuition remission, you are not eligible for university scholarships however, you can still receive Financial Aid.
Boys Nation/Girls Nation Scholarship
Permalink for Boys Nation/Girls Nation ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor entering Freshman $2,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Must have a scholarship GPA of 3.0 and be an entering freshmen
- Entering freshmen who are named as governor to their state OR the state delegate to Boys Nation/Girls Nation
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Boys/Girls Nation Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- A copy of award certificate or letter from council leader must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal
Freshman Alumni Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship
Permalink for Freshman Alumni Non-Resident Tuition ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman Non-Resident$20,000 over four years, $5,000 per year
Award Criteria
- The Alumni Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship is available to non-resident children of MSU alumni. Qualifications for alumni status: receiving a degree from MSU or 48 hours toward a degree at MSU.
- Minimum high school GPA of 2.5
- MSU offers an alumni non-resident tuition scholarship to help offset the non-resident portion of tuition. Students can receive up to $5,000 a year for 4 years. However, amounts will vary based on ACT/SAT scores and GPA.
- Students can stack the Academic Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship with the Alumni Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship. However, these scholarships cannot exceed the non-resident portion of tuition.
Freshman Eagle Scout / Gold Award Scholarship
Permalink for Freshman Eagle Scout / Gold Award ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor entering freshman $2,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Eagle/Gold application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- A copy of the award certificate or letter from the council leader must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal.
- Eagle Scout and Gold Awards cannot be combined
- Entering freshmen must have a scholarship GPA of 2.5
- Must be an entering freshman
Freshman MS Boys State / Girls State Scholarship
Permalink for Freshman MS Boys State / Girls State ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshmen $1,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Must have a scholarship GPA of 3.0 and be an entering freshman
- Mississippi resident
- Entering freshmen who participated in MS Boys State/Girls State
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of MS Boys/Girls State Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- A copy of award certificate or letter from council leader must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal
Freshman Student Body President Scholarship
Permalink for Freshman Student Body President ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor president of the entire student body during senior year of high school $2,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Student Body President Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your counselor, principal, or other high school official's email address.
- Letter of verification by a high school guidance counselor, principal, or other high school official must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by December 1.
Key Club Scholarship
Permalink for Key Club ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor entering Freshman $1,000 for one year only
Award Information
- A one-time award of $250 per year of high school participation up to a maximum of $1,000
Award Criteria
- Be an entering freshman
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Key Club Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your Key Club sponsor's email address.
- Have the recommended minimum of 50 service hours each year of participation
- A letter of verification of participation and hours by Key Club sponsor must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal
- Have a scholarship GPA of 3.0
- Letter of verification by a high school guidance counselor, principal, or other high school official must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by December 1.
Miss Teen State Winner
Permalink for Miss Teen State WinnerPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentMiss Teen State Winner $10,202 over four years
Award Information
Awarded to the state winners of the Miss Teen USA or America program (only awarded to the winners, no first or second alternate awards)
Award Criteria
- Verified by the Miss USA or America Corporation
- Must be applying as a freshman
- Non-resident students may also receive approximately $17,435 annually to cover 100% of the out-of-state portion of tuition
- Miss Teen USA or America scholarship is awarded in lieu of Freshman Academic and Colvard Future Leader Scholarship(s)
National Merit Semi-Finalist & Finalist Scholarships
Permalink for National Merit Semi-Finalist & Finalist ScholarshipsFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-Resident$48,000 over four years
Award Information
National Merit Semi-Finalist Scholarship
Approximately $48,000 over four years for Residents and Approximately $117,000 over 4 years for Non-Residents
Awarded to students who have been named semi-finalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation
- The scholarship is worth approximately $48,000 over four years
- Non-resident students may also receive approximately $17,435 annually to cover 100% of the out-of-state portion of tuition
- National Merit Semi-finalist Scholarships are awarded in lieu of Freshman Academic and Colvard Future Leader Scholarship(s)
National Merit Finalist Scholarship
In addition to the base scholarship value, finalists who list MSU as their first choice will also be awarded a Housing Scholarship to cover the cost of on-campus, double-occupancy housing for the first through the fourth year, with an option to live in College View, the university housing apartment community, for the third and fourth year. More details regarding the housing scholarship can be found here: Housing Scholarship (Scroll to bottom of webpage for more information.)
Non-resident students may also receive approximately $17,435 annually to cover 100% of the out-of-state portion of tuition
National Merit Scholarships are awarded in lieu of Freshman Academic and Colvard Future Leader Scholarship(s)
National Merit Scholars enrolled in the Shackouls Honors College may be eligible for a $2,000 Stewart Bridgforth Honors Scholarship, which may be used for study abroad, internships, or faculty-sponsored undergraduate research support after a student's freshman year. To be considered for this scholarship, students must be active participants in the Shackouls Honors College, maintain a minimum 3.4 GPA, and participate in the Stewart Bridgforth Honors Scholars Program.
**Fully covers cost of double-occupancy on-campus residence hall space for up to four years. Additional details about maintaining the housing scholarship and options for the third and fourth year are available at
Non-Resident Fee Waiver for West Alabama Counties
Permalink for Non-Resident Fee Waiver for West Alabama CountiesMississippi State University-Meridian received approval in 2013 from the Institutions of Higher Learning to waive nonresident charges for Alabama residents in six Alabama counties; Sumter, Greene, Choctaw, Hale, Marengo, and Clarke. Please contact the Office of Student Services for more details at 601-484-0234.
2025 Fall2026 Spring Meridian Community College Transfer Non-ResidentPhi Theta Kappa All-Mississippi Academic Team Scholarship
Permalink for Phi Theta Kappa All-Mississippi Academic Team ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentFirst Team $2,000 over one year
Award Criteria
- Named a member of the All-Mississippi Academic First Team
- Official verification of team membership
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa All-MS Academic Team Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes official documentation of your participation/status with this organization
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Second Team $1,000 over one years
Award Criteria
- Named a member of the All-Mississippi Academic Second Team
- Official verification of team membership
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa All-MS Academic Team Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes official documentation of your participation/status with this organization
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa All-States Academic Team Scholarship
Permalink for Phi Theta Kappa All-States Academic Team ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentFirst Team $2,000 over one year
Award Criteria
- Named a member of the Phi Theta Kappa All-States Academic First Team
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa All-States Academic Team Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes official documentation of your participation/status with this organization
- Must be classified as a Non-Resident
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Second Team $1,000 over one year
Award Criteria
- Named a member of the Phi Theta Kappa All-States Academic Second Team
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa All-States Academic Team Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes official documentation of your participation/status with this organization
- Must be classified as a Non-Resident
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa Chapter President Scholarship
Permalink for Phi Theta Kappa Chapter President ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-Resident$2,000 over two years, $1,000 per year
Award Criteria
- Meets Phi Theta Kappa scholarship criteria
- President of Phi Theta Kappa at your community college
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa President Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal, which includes submission of your sponsor's official email address
- Letter of verification by sponsor must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by March 1
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa International Officer Scholarship
Permalink for Phi Theta Kappa International Officer ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-Resident$8,000 over two years, $4,000 per year
Award Criteria
- 3.25 cumulative GPA
- Served as an International Officer for Phi Theta Kappa
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Meets the Phi Theta Kappa Criteria
- Notification from Phi Theta Kappa of your position as an International Phi Theta Kappa Officer.
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa Officer Scholarship
Permalink for Phi Theta Kappa Officer ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor entering Transfer Student $1,000 for one year only
Award Information
- 3.25 cumulative GPA
- Served as an Officer for Phi Theta Kappa
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of the Phi Theta Kappa Officer Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal, which includes submission of your sponsor's official email address
- Letter of verification by sponsor must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by March 1
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship. May not be stacked with the PTK President Scholarship or the Presidential Partnership Scholarship.
Presidential Partnership Scholarship
Permalink for Presidential Partnership ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall Starkville Community College Transfer MS ResidentCovers the cost of tuition for two years (4 semesters)
Award Criteria
- Student must be a MS resident and currently attending a MS community/junior college
- Student must be a member of Phi Theta Kappa
- Nominated by MS community/junior college president
- Selected by MSU Scholarship Committee
- Cannot be stacked in lieu of other academic transfer scholarships
Presidential Scholarships
Permalink for Presidential ScholarshipsPriority Date
2025 Fall Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentWorth approximately $107,000 over four years undergraduate study
Award Information
- Presidential Scholarships are the most prestigious scholarships awarded at Mississippi State. These are awarded to, on average, 40 of the most outstanding entering freshmen on a competitive basis per year.
- The Presidential Scholarship package is worth approximately $107,000 over four years. The package includes costs for tuition, meal plan, and **housing for four years of undergraduate study, as well as $12,000 for enrichment opportunities, such as study abroad and undergraduate research.
- Non-resident students may also receive a non-resident presidential scholarship that covers up to 100% of the out-of-state portion of tuition, which would replace any previous non-resident award.
- The Presidential Scholarship package also replaces Academic Excellence Scholarships.
- **Fully covers cost of double-occupancy on-campus residence hall space for up to four years. Additional details about maintaining the housing scholarship and options for the third and fourth year are available at
Promise Scholarship
Permalink for Promise ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall Starkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshman $10,000 over four years, $2,500 per year
Award Information
- $10,000 over 4 years ($2,500 per year)
- Awarded to 60 students
- Submission of the Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application (GSA)
Award Criteria
- Must be a Mississippi Resident
- Must be a first time entering Freshman
- Must have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Must have a 19 or higher on the ACT
- Students must complete the Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
- Students must submit the General Scholarship Application (GSA)
- Family income must be $42,000 or less
STAR Student Scholarship
Permalink for STAR Student ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshmen $2,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
- Must be verified by the Mississippi Economic Council
Study Abroad Scholarship
Permalink for Study Abroad ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentStudy Abroad $2,000 one-time award
Award Information
- Entering freshmen interested in participating in a study abroad program should submit the Study Abroad Scholarship Application in their scholarship portal by December 1.
- 25 applicants will be awarded the Study Abroad Scholarship. Each student will be able to use the $2,000 award for an affiliated study abroad program after the successful completion of their first year at MSU.
Transfer Alumni Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship
Permalink for Transfer Alumni Non-Resident Tuition ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Community College Transfer Non-Resident$10,000 over two years, $5,000 per year
Award Criteria
- The Alumni Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship is available to non-resident children of MSU alumni. Qualifications for alumni status: receiving a degree from MSU or 48 hours toward a degree at MSU.
- Minimum overall transfer GPA of 2.5
- MSU offers an alumni non-resident tuition scholarship to help offset the non-resident portion of tuition. Students can receive up to $5,000 a year for 2 years. However, amounts will vary.
- Students can stack the Transfer Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship with the Alumni Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship. However, these scholarships cannot exceed the non-resident portion of tuition.
The above requirements apply to the 25-26 academic year.
Transfer Student Body President Scholarship
Permalink for Transfer Student Body President ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor president of the entire community college student body. $2,000 over two years, $1,000 per year
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Student Body President Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your community college sponsor or community college school official's email address.
- Letter of verification by community college sponsor or community college school official must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by March 1
Valedictorian/Salutatorian Scholarship
Permalink for Valedictorian/Salutatorian ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentValedictorian students named by their high schools $2,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submissions of Valedictorian/Salutatorian Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your counselor, principal, or other high school official's email address.
- Letter of verification by a high school guidance counselor, principal, or other high school official must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by August 1
- Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
Salutatorian students named by their high schools $2,000 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submissions of Valedictorian/Salutatorian Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your counselor, principal, or other high school official's email address.
- Letter of verification by a high school guidance counselor, principal, or other high school official must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by August 1
- Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
All USA Community College Team Scholarship
Permalink for All USA Community College Team ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast Community College Transfer MS ResidentNon-Resident$2,500 for one year only
Award Information
Submission of the All USA Community College Team Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes official documentation of your participation/status with this organization
Award Criteria
- Named a member of the All USA Community College Team
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- May be awarded in addition to the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Veteran, Service-Member, Dependent, Spouse, Non-Resident Tuition Waiver
Permalink for Veteran, Service-Member, Dependent, Spouse, Non-Resident Tuition WaiverFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer Non-ResidentAward Information
The difference between resident and non-resident tuition is waived for veterans, active duty service members and their dependents.
Award Criteria
- The veteran/service member shall complete and submit the following documentation:
- Enclose veteran/service member's DD214 or NGB22 indicating an Honorable Discharge or
- Other documentation such as:
- *Military ID Card
- *Active Duty Orders
- *Dependency verification documentation
- Students will upload a copy of the verification documents in their application portal once they have applied to MSU.
- If awarded the Non-Resident Military Tuition Waiver, students would not receive non-resident-specific scholarships.
Outstanding 4-H Member Scholarship
Permalink for Outstanding 4-H Member ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshman $1,000 one-time award
Award Criteria
- Be an entering Freshman
- Mississippi resident
- Must have a scholarship GPA of 3.0
- Must have a minimum 20 ACT or a 1030 SAT
- Must be an active member in the 4-H Community Club
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Outstanding 4-H Member Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your county representative's email address.
4-H Academic Scholarship
Permalink for 4-H Academic ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshman $500 ($250 per semester)
Award Criteria
- Be an entering freshman
- Mississippi resident
- Must have a scholarship GPA of 3.0
- Must have a minimum 20 ACT or a 940 SAT
- Must be an active member in the 4-H Community Club
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of 4-H Academic Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- A letter of participation from the county 4-H representative or the state 4-H office must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal
Anchor Club Scholarship
Permalink for Anchor Club ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentFor entering Freshman $1,000 for one year only
Award Information
- A one-time award of $250 per year of high school participation up to a maximum of $1,000
Award Criteria
- Be an entering freshman
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Anchor Club Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your Anchor Club sponsor's email address
- Student must have provided service to those in need
- A letter of verification of participation and hours by Anchor Club sponsor must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal
- Have a scholarship GPA of 3.0
- Letter of verification by a high school guidance counselor, principal, or other high school official must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal by December 1.
Cambridge AICE Diploma Scholarship
Permalink for Cambridge AICE Diploma ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentAICE Diploma at Pass Level $6,000 over four years, $1,500 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have a minimum 26 ACT or1230 SAT
- Must have earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Official AICE Diploma must be submitted through MyState scholarship portal before October 1
AICE Diploma with Merit $8,000 over four years, $2,000 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have a minimum 28 ACT or 1300 SAT
- Must have earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Official AICE Diploma must be submitted through MyState scholarship portal before October 1
AICE Diploma with Distinction $10,000 over four years, $2,500 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have a minimum 30 ACT or 1360 SAT
- Must have earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Official AICE Diploma must be submitted through MyState scholarship portal before October 1
Distinguished Young Women's Scholarship
Permalink for Distinguished Young Women's ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshman $1,000 for one year only
Award Information
Awarded to the local winners of the Mississippi Distinguished Young Women Program (only awarded to the winners, no first or second alternate awards)
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Distinguished Young Women's Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your local DYW chairperson's email address.
For entering Freshman $10,202 for four years
Award Information
Awarded to the state winners of the Mississippi Distinguished Young Women Program (only awarded to the winners, no first or second alternate awards)
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Distinguished Young Women's Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal
- This includes submission of your local DYW chairperson's email address.
- Distinguished Young Women's Scholarship is awarded in lieu of Freshman Academic and Colvard Future Leader Scholarship(s)
International Baccalaureate Scholarship
Permalink for International Baccalaureate ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentLevel One $6,000 over four years, $1,500 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have earned the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum score of 30
- Must have a minimum 26 ACT or 1230 SAT
- Must have earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Official International Baccalaureate Diploma must be submitted through the MyState scholarship portal before October 1
Level Two $8,000 over four years, $2,000 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have earned the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum score of 35
- Must have a minimum 28 ACT or 1300 SAT
- Must have earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Official International Baccalaureate Diploma must be submitted through MyState scholarship portal before October 1
Level Three $10,000 over four years, $2,500 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have earned the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum score of 40
- Must have a minimum 30 ACT or 1360 SAT
- Must have earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Official International Baccalaureate Diploma must be submitted through MyState scholarship portal before October 1
Luckyday Scholars Program
Permalink for Luckyday Scholars ProgramPriority Date
2025 Fall Starkville Freshman MS ResidentAwarded to 80 students $24,000 over four years, $6,000 per year
Award Information
- $24,000 over 4 years ($6,000 per year)
- Awarded to 80 students
- Submission of the FAFSA
- Can be stacked with Academic Excellence and Colvard Future Leader Scholarships
- Participants will participate in the immersive Luckyday Leadership program (4 year commitment).
Award Criteria
- First Time entering Freshman
- Mississippi Resident graduating from Mississippi High School
- 20+ ACT Score
- Minimum overall 3.5+ GPA
- Submit Luckyday Scholars Program application in the Scholarship portal by December 1
- Demonstrate proven leadership skills, community involvement, grit/resilience
- Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
Miss Mississippi Scholarship
Permalink for Miss Mississippi ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer4-Year Institution Transfer MS ResidentFirst through fourth alternates receive $1,000 one-time award
Award Information
- Miss MS receives up to full tuition to be used for the remaining semesters at MSU
- First through fourth alternates receive a one-time award of $1,000
- Verified by the Miss Mississippi Corporation
Award Criteria
Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
Swalm Brookhaven Scholarship
Permalink for Swalm Brookhaven ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor 20 Brookhaven High graduates and 5 Brookhaven Academy graduates $40,000 over four years, $10,000 per year
Award Criteria
- Must have a 3.0 or higher GPA upon graduation from high school
- Must be an entering freshman enrolled in 12 hours or more
- Must pursue a technical degree
- Primary Majors include: Agricultural Engineering Technology and Business, Building Construction Science, Architecture, Physics, Industrial Technology, Biosystems Engineering, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrial Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Engineering- Undeclared, Forest Products Concentration, and Veterinary Medical Technology Concentration
- Secondary Majors include: Medical Technology, Chemistry, Geographic Information Systems Concentration, Business Information Systems, and Information Technology Services
- Financial need will be a consideration
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 at MSU to remain eligible for the continuation of funding
- This award can be forfeited if the scholar changes to a non-technical major, falls below the 3.0 GPA or enrolls for less than 12 hours per semester at MSU
MS Miss Hospitality Scholarship
Permalink for MS Miss Hospitality ScholarshipFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer4-Year Institution Transfer MS ResidentFirst through fourth alternates receive $1,000 one-time award
Award Information
- Miss Hospitality for the State of MS receives up to full tuition to be used for the remaining semesters at MSU
- First through fourth alternates receive a one-time award of $1,000
- Verified by the Mississippi Hospitality Corporation
Award Criteria
Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship Program
Permalink for Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship ProgramPriority Date
Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship Program
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman Non-ResidentAward Information
100% of the non-resident portion of tuition to Air Force HSSP recipients
Award Criteria
- Minimum ACT/SAT & CGPA vary, see site for yearly information -
- Must have good moral character with strong leadership potential
- Maintain height/weight standards
- Pass Physical Fitness Assessment
- Application window is open from June-Dec 1st of senior year
Air Force ROTC In-College Scholarship Program
Permalink for Air Force ROTC In-College Scholarship ProgramFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentAward Information
Between 2 - 3.5 years of tuition and fees
Award Criteria
- Minimum ACT/SAT & CGPA varies year to year
- AFROTC General Military Course Cadet (usually freshmen or sophomores) in good standing
- Attend 80% of required classes, physical training sessions, and leadership laboratories
- Maintain height/weight standards
- Pass Physical Fitness Assessment
- Must have good moral character with strong leadership potential
Air Force ROTC Non-Resident Tuition Waiver
Permalink for Air Force ROTC Non-Resident Tuition WaiverPriority Date: Class registration periods for fall or spring academic semesters
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman Non-ResidentAward Information
Non-resident tuition waiver, active cadets in AFROTC will pay tuition at resident cost
Award Criteria
- Active Cadet in good standing in AFROTC
- Attend 80% of required classes, physical training sessions, and leadership laboratories
- Maintain height/weight standards
- Pass Physical Fitness Assessment
- Maintain a 2.0 CGPA
Air Force ROTC Room and Board Scholarship
Permalink for Air Force ROTC Room and Board ScholarshipPriority Date: Beginning of fall or spring academic semester
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville Freshman MS ResidentNon-ResidentAward Information
Dependent on year, covers partial room and board
Award Criteria
- Air Force ROTC scholarship recipient in good standing
JROTC Scholarship
Permalink for JROTC ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentFor entering Freshman $500 for one year only
Award Criteria
- Mississippi resident
- Must have a scholarship GPA of 3.0
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of JROTC Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- A letter of verification by the high school Reserve Officers' Training Corps sponsor must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal.
- Student must upload a letter of verification
- Student must still have an active part in Junior ROTC
Kelly Gene Cook Foundation Scholarships
Permalink for Kelly Gene Cook Foundation ScholarshipsFilters:
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkville Freshman MS ResidentAward Varies
Award Information
- Be an entering freshman
- Have a 24 ACT and a scholarship GPA of 3.5
- Have financial need and academic ability
- Mississippi Resident
National Service Scholarship
Permalink for National Service ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer MS ResidentNon-Resident$2,000 over two years, $1,000 per year
Award Criteria
- Must be a first or second year cadet and meet all criteria to be "enrolled," as defined by the Army/Air Force program, in ROTC classes.
- Must have a minimum 20 ACT or a 1200 SAT
- Not currently on an Army or Air Force scholarship
- US citizen
- Meet service age requirements
- Meet service height/weight requirements
- Pass Army/Air Force service Physical Fitness Test by second semester
- Pass DoD medical exam by third semester
- Scholarship is conditional on final approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs
Sumners Scholarship
Permalink for Sumners ScholarshipApplication Deadline
- Fall: September 15
- Spring: February 15
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer MS ResidentMaximum award for undergraduates $22,000 over four years, $5,500 per year
Award Information
- Sumners will only be awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester hours
- Maximum award for undergraduates is 8 semesters
- Sumner awards are $5,500 per year ($2,750/sem)
- Sumners will not be awarded for the summer term
The Sumners Scholarship Application can be found at Please select MSU and submit your application.
Award Criteria
- 2.50 GPA is required
- Must be a permanent resident of Attala, Carroll, Choctaw, Montgomery, or Webster counties in Mississippi
- Must submit a Sumners application by the appropriate deadline to be approved by the E.H. Sumners Foundation
- Applications must be submitted annually
- Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
Maximum award for graduates $22,000 over four years, $5,500 per year
Award Information
- Graduate students enrolled in a minimum of 9 semester hours
- Maximum award for graduates is 4 semesters
- Sumner awards are $5,500 per year ($2,750/sem)
- Sumners will not be awarded for the summer term
The Sumners Scholarship Application can be found at Please select MSU and submit your application.
Award Criteria
- 2.50 GPA is required
- Must be a permanent resident of Attala, Carroll, Choctaw, Montgomery, or Webster counties in Mississippi
- Must submit a Sumners application by the appropriate deadline to be approved by the E.H. Sumners Foundation
- Applications must be submitted annually
- Must be a Mississippi resident to qualify for this scholarship
Congressional Award Medal Scholarship
Permalink for Congressional Award Medal ScholarshipPriority Date
2025 Fall2026 Spring OnlineStarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentOne-time award $750 Silver Medal Recipients
Award Information
- Awarded at the highest level of achievement at the time of admission
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Congressional Award Medal Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your state representative's email address.
- A letter of verification by the student's state representative's must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal. The letter must include the level obtained and the date received.
One-time award $500 Bronze Medal Recipients
Award Information
- Awarded at the highest level of achievement at the time of admission
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Congressional Award Medal Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your state representative's email address.
- A letter of verification by the student's state representative's must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal. The letter must include the level obtained and the date received.
One-time award $1,000 Gold Medal Recipients
Award Information
- Awarded at the highest level of achievement at the time of admission
Award Criteria
- Submission of the General Scholarship Application
- Submission of Congressional Award Medal Scholarship application found in the "Recommended" list under the "Opportunities" tab in the MSU scholarship portal.
- This includes submission of your state representative's email address.
- A letter of verification by the student's state representative's must be uploaded into the MSU scholarship portal. The letter must include the level obtained and the date received.
Departmental and College Scholarships
Permalink for Departmental and College ScholarshipsDepartments and colleges within the university administer their own departmental scholarship programs. Students who have chosen a major are encouraged to contact the department in their major areas of study regarding scholarship opportunities.
- Center for Distance Education
- College of Architecture, Art & Design
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Business
- College of Education
- Bagley College of Engineering
- College of Vet Med
- College of Forest Resources
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridian FreshmanCommunity College Transfer4-Year Institution Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentExternal scholarship
Permalink for External scholarshipExternal scholarship money is available to students of all qualifications, abilities, and interests. These external scholarships may be provided by private donors, foundations, businesses, and many other sources outside of Mississippi State University. Here are a few helpful tips for finding scholarships that are right for you:
- For first-time freshmen, speak to your high school guidance counselor about options that are specific to your interests and intended major. There are also scholarships designated for minorities, first generation students, and certain ethnic groups.
- Never pay for scholarship services! Contact your high school guidance counselor or college scholarship office for further questions.
- Search for scholarships that may be offered by a parent or legal guardian’s employer, civic clubs, and local community. Corporations may offer scholarships to children of their employees. Elks Club, Lions Club, and The Girl and Boy Scouts of America are among the many organizations that offer scholarships.
- Other resources can be found at one of these free scholarship search and matching websites listed below:
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentPerformance and Service Scholarships
Permalink for Performance and Service ScholarshipsROTC, art, music, chorus, band, cheerleading, and pom squad offer scholarships. Amounts vary and may include non-resident tuition awards. An audition or portfolio showing may be required. Contact the appropriate department or program for more information.
2025 Fall2026 Spring Starkville FreshmanCommunity College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentPrivately Funded Awards
Permalink for Privately Funded AwardsThe Mississippi State University Foundation oversees nearly 2,000 privately-funded scholarships housed in our various academic colleges and departments. You can maximize your consideration for these awards by completing your general scholarship application, as well as any applications recommended to you within our online scholarship portal found in your MyState portal.
Many of our Alumni Association's local chapters provide scholarships to students from their local communities. These chapter scholarships are awarded to select students to receive one-year awards based on outstanding leadership and academic records.
For a list of alumni chapters/alumni chapter scholarships and how to apply through your myState portal, please visit the MSU Alumni Association Website.
2025 Fall2026 Spring StarkvilleMeridianGulf Coast FreshmanCommunity College Transfer MS ResidentNon-ResidentMississippi State University awards automatic scholarships based on specific academic criteria. Calculate your potential amounts using our scholarship calculator. Opportunities for additional scholarships, such as departmental or private scholarships, are available based on submission of the General Scholarship Application, which opens on October 1, 2024, for students entering in summer/fall 2025.
2025-2026 Freshman Mississippi Residents 2025-2026 Freshman Out-of-State Residents
2025-2026 Transfer Mississippi Residents 2025-2026 Transfer Out-of-State Residents
2025-2026 Freshman International Residents 2025-2026 Transfer International Residents