FAQ: Shot Records

FAQ: Shot Records


Are immunization records required before admission?

No, immunization records may be submitted after you are admitted to MSU, but should be submitted at least 3 business days before Orientation (or when you plan to register for classes). For information on how to submit your forms, please visit healthcenter.msstate.edu/immunizations.

I have not yet submitted the required immunization form. Can I still register for classes?

No, immunization records must be submitted in order to register for classes. The Health Center accepts immunization records from physicians and health departments. MSU has partnered with Med+Proctor to provide immunization-verification services. To upload your immunization records, first go here and sign in using your MSU credentials, then provide Med+Proctor with the basic information being requested.  You will use your MSU email address for subsequent logins.

If you have general questions concerning the status of your immunization records, please contact the Health Center via email: health@msstate.edu (preferred method) or by phone (662) 325-0706.